Sunday, June 9, 2013

More Cinque Terre

You have to walk through this tunnel to get to the "beach" in Vernazza. I say "beach" because it is actually all rock. Still a nice place to sit back and enjoy the ocean. Funny, when you buy a beer in this town, they ask you if you them to open it. You can drink a bottle of beer on this beach, or any where in town and nobody bats an eye. We drank quite a few of them one night on the beach and watched the sunset.

These young guys were taking pictures of their buddy climbing on this rock. Everyone was watching as kept climbing a little further  and further to the left until... you guessed it! Teeny got the pic just a split second after the kid was engulfed in a rogue wave that crashed over the rock. We watched the same thing happen to a few people. Almost happened to us. You get closer and closer to the water and then all of a sudden a much larger wave crashes and you get soaked. It's a bit like Russian Roulette.

Thinking of you Pa-deen! Teeny's little turtle.

I got a kick out of these paddle boats. Slides, swimming decks on the back! Just needs a motor.

The beach at Morroso, the only town with a sand beach.

This guy was along the trail from Morroso. He owns one of the vineyards that the trail passes through. He was selling cold lemonade and an incredible liquor that is made from the lemons grown locally. It is called Lemoncina and is super powerful. It tastes like lemon flavored cough syrup. He was a neat guy and said things like "Oh a momma mia it'sa hotta!!". We bought one of his bottles of Lemoncina and saved it for later.

More trail

Neat little bridge along the trail. We met an older couple here that were from Germany. They spoke little English, but we managed to talk with them for quite awhile. We talked about the weather in Germany and she told us the weather is only nice in Germany for two weeks in October and they call it Octoberfest!!

A nice place to take a break under some olive trees

Vernazza from the trail

Vernazza from a little closer on the trail

Typical Vernazza

Booya! A small hit from the Lemoncina!

Teeny, slugging down some lemoncina! I think we had a great strategy, with a little Lemoncina you don't have to buy as many beers!!!

Peace, Love, Skydive! God I love this woman!!!!!

Interesting Flora

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love lemoncello, the flora, Italy and the two of you!