Monday, July 8, 2013

Back to Amsterdam Pics

Canals are everywhere

This is a pay toilet

Vondel Park

You see some interesting cars over here

The view from our room

This is one of ten thousand pictures of a bird that Teeny has taken! 
Not to mention the twenty thousand pictures of plants!

This hippy dude was making amazing bubbles in the park.

I should have hung around to play the winner!!

Red Light district

Cute kid! Water shoots up randomly and this little guy was having a ball!

Who knew, there's a zoo! Right in Amsterdam too!!

Saw a lot of these on the train ride to Rotterdam

This was the information booth at the train station in Rotterdam. 
We've learned to go there first for free city maps.

Neat architecture in Rotterdam. The entire city was flattened by bombs during the war.

This statue is labeled as "controversial" and is known as "Butt Plug Santa"!!

This one was just weird

This is a floating hot tub with a wood stove to heat the water 
and an outboard motor to tool around with.

These are the famous "Cube Houses" in Rotterdam. Some architect dude was commissioned to build a bridge over a canal and this is what he came up with. The houses are cubes that are turned up on one corner like a diamond. We toured one of them. Very odd and a huge waste of space. They sell now for two hundred thousand euro.

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