Monday, May 20, 2013

Dover - England

We did not take an excursion here either. There is a castle right in Dover that we visited and will probably go back to. We did not have as much time as we would have liked. The highlight of the place was the secret wartime tunnels. They used them in WWII. We toured one of them that was used as a hospital. The guide said that during the war, the Nazis were launching shells from the other side of the English channel onto the city of Dover. He said that you would see a flash of light across the channel and 72 seconds later a shell would land. Over 2200 shells hit the city of Dover.

Dover Castle - just a small part of it, it is absolutely huge!

Thinking of you Holly! This one really is a mini mini!

Teeny the Queen siting on her throne!

A view from the castle walls

Another part of Dover Castle

The cliffs at Dover. Pic doesn't do justice, they are so tall and bright white!

We did a water color activity on the ship. This is my post card to all of you!

Teeny abstract masterpiece!

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