Monday, July 8, 2013

More Amsterdam Pics

Walking Amsterdam

Yup, that's what you think it is

This building looks like it could collapse in on itself. 
They sink because most of the city is built on mush.

Grass roof

We took a day trip to Holland's largest National Park.
These "White Bikes" are free, just pick one out and go.

The park had amazing terrain. From forest to dunes to near desert and swampland.

Teeny got her hair done by a gay Taiwanese guy here in Amsterdam and it looks awesome!

Teeny being goofy! 

The canals run pretty much on every city block, it's so cool!

Nice boathouse. There are tons of them.

Neat lizard statues

Canals are all over the Netherlands, not just Amsterdam.
In this neighborhood each house is on it's own little island.

We drove on roads like this for miles and miles. They follow along the sides of the canals.


Anonymous said...

Love the Gaydoo...and your goofy selves..great pic

Anonymous said...

Love the Gaydoo...and your goofy selves...goofy shot is the best! Holly

Unknown said...

Thanks! Of course now it looks nothing like what it did when I walked out of there! Oh Well!